
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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( 2024 )


匹配条件: “V. Ku” ,找到相关结果约154136条。
Posgrados en ciencia animal en México: irrelevancia del concepto de excelencia académica.
J. V. Ku Vera
Perfiles educativos , 1993,
Abstract: Los posgrados en ciencia animal en México están sujetos a un proceso de evaluación permanente con el fin de obtener posgrados de excelencia académica. La producción animal en México no ha logrado cubrir los requerimientos de proteína de origen animal de la población y anualmente se realizan importaciones masivas de alimentos de origen animal. La eficiencia terminal en los posgrados es muy baja, debido a la ineficiente asesoría ofrecida a los alumnos y al nivel académico de los docentes. Las líneas de investigación en el posgrado no han contribuido a resolver los diversos problemas de la producción ganadera. Los criterios utilizados para determinar la excelencia académica no son los adecuados para estimular la generación de tecnología que ayude a incrementar el consumo de proteína de la población mexicana. La investigación en ganadería de traspatio podría ayudar a lograr este objetivo en el corto plazo.
Activation of Ribonuclease I by Gamma Irradiation of 30 S Ribosomes from Escherichia coli
Ku?an, ?.
- , 1966,
Abstract: Sa?etak A sensitive assay. of ribonuclease activity was designed using polyuridylic acid as a substrate. The amount of the undigested polyuridylic acid was subsequently determined in a cell-free system for the polymerization of phenylalanine from Escherichia coli. This assay was used for the characterization of a nuclease activated by the irradiation of purified ribosomes from the same bacterium. The enzyme was identified as ribonuclease I by (1) its location on the 30 S ribosomal subunit, (2) by the absence of mononucleotides in the products of short incubation, as determined by paper chromatography, and (3) by identification of oligonucleotides as products of such an incubation using chromatography on dextran gel. Activated enzyme sedimented with 30 S ribosomes and exhibited its activity even at the concentrations of Mg++ which are inhibitory for the ?latent? ribosomal ribonuclease
Production of strange particles in charged jets in Pb--Pb and p--Pb collisions measured with ALICE
Vít Ku?era,for the ALICE Collaboration
Physics , 2015, DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/612/1/012013
Abstract: Measurements of spectra of identified particles produced in jets represent an important tool for understanding the interplay of various hadronisation mechanisms which contribute to particle production in the hot and dense medium created in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions. In this contribution, we present the measurements of the pT spectra of {\Lambda} baryons and K0S mesons produced in charged jets in Pb--Pb collisions at sqrt(sNN) = 2.76 TeV and in p--Pb collisions at sqrt(sNN) = 5.02 TeV. The results are obtained with the ALICE detector at the LHC, exploiting the excellent particle identification capabilities of this experiment. Baryon-to-meson ratios of the spectra of strange particles associated with jets are studied in central collisions and are compared with the inclusive ratios.
Effects of the First Line Diabetes Care (FiLDCare) self-management education and support project on knowledge, attitudes, perceptions, self-management practices and glycaemic control: a quasi-experimental study conducted in the Northern Philippines
Grace Marie V Ku,Guy Kegels
- , 2014, DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2014-005317
Abstract: Objectives To investigate the effects of implementing a context-adapted diabetes self-management education and support (DSME/S) project based on chronic care models in the Philippines, on knowledge, attitudes, self-management practices, adiposity/obesity and glycaemia of people with diabetes. Design Prospective quasi-experimental before–after study. Participants 203 people with type 2 diabetes mellitus from two local government units in the Northern Philippines fulfilling set criteria. Outcome measures Context-adapted DSME/S was given to a cohort of people with diabetes by trained pre-existing local government healthcare personnel. Changes in knowledge, attitudes and self-management practices, body mass index, waist circumference, waist-hip ratio (WHR) and glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c) were measured 1?year after full project implementation. Non-parametric and parametric descriptive and inferential statistics including logistic regression analysis were done. Results Complete data were collected from 164 participants. Improvements in glycaemia, waist circumference, WHR, knowledge, some attitudes, adherence to medications and exercise, and an increase in fear of diabetes were significant. Reductions in HbA1c, regardless of level of control, were noted in 60.4%. Significant increase in knowledge (p<0.001), positive attitude (p=0.013), perceived ability to control blood glucose (p=0.004) and adherence to medications (p=0.001) were noted among those whose glycaemia improved. Significant differences between the subgroups whose HbA1c improved and those whose HbA1c deteriorated include male gender (p=0.042), shorter duration of diabetes (p=0.001) and increased perceived ability to control blood glucose (p=0.042). Significant correlates to improved glycaemia were male gender (OR=2.655; p=0.034), duration of diabetes >10?years (OR=0.214; p=0.003) and fear of diabetes (OR=0.490; p=0.048). Conclusions Context-adapted DSME/S introduced in resource-constrained settings and making use of established human resources for health may improve knowledge, attitudes, self-management practices and glycaemia of recipients. Further investigations on addressing fear of diabetes and tailoring DSME/S to females with diabetes and those who have had diabetes for a longer period of time may help improve glycaemia
A Novel Approach to Capture Salient Part from JPEG Image
Ku. Radhika P. Fuke,Prof. M. V. Sarode
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering , 2013,
Abstract: Salient region detection in images is very useful for image processing applications like image segmentation, object detection and recognition. In this paper, an improved approach to detect salient region is presented Using saliency detection technique. Existing saliency detection models are built in the uncompressed domain. Since most images over Internet are typically stored in the compressed domain such as joint photographic experts group (JPEG), we propose a novel saliency detection model in the compressed domain in this paper. The intensity, color, and texture features of the image are extracted in the JPEG bit-stream. Detection of irregular visual patterns in images and in video sequences is useful for a variety of tasks. Detecting suspicious behaviors or unusual objects is important for surveillance and monitoring. Identifying spatial saliency in images is useful for quality control and automatic inspection.
Morphological and topographical anatomy of nutrient foramina in the lower limb long bones and its clinical importance
KU Prashanth,BV Murlimanju,Latha V. Prabhu,Chettiar Ganesh Kumar
Australasian Medical Journal , 2011,
Abstract: BackgroundKnowledge regarding nutrient foramina of bones is useful insurgical procedures such as microvascular bone transfer inorder to preserve the circulation. The objective of thepresent study was to study the morphology and topographyof nutrient foramina and to determine the foraminal indexof the lower limb long bones to provide detailed data onsuch features.MethodThe study comprised examination of 206 lower limb longbones which included femora, tibiae and fibulae. Thenutrient foramina were identified analysed macroscopicallyand the foramen index calculated. Each bone was dividedinto five parts and topographical analysis was performed oneach section.ResultsFemora had single nutrient foramen in 47.7% of the cases,double foramen in 44.2% of the cases, triple in 3.5% of thecases and an absence of foramen in 4.6%. In the case oftibiae, 98.6% showed single foramen and in 1.4% of thecases, the foramen was absent. With respect to fibulae,90.2% had single foramen and foramen was absent in 9.8%.The mean foraminal index was 38.9 for the femora, 32.5 fortibiae and 49.2 for fibulae. The majority (51.3%) of theforamina in the femora were located at the 2/5th part,98.3% of the tibiae foramina at the 2/5th part and 60% ofthe fibulae at the 3/5th part.ConclusionThe study provides information on the morphology andtopography of nutrient foramina in lower limb long bones.The double foramina were more common in femur and rarein the tibia and fibula. The foramina of the femur and tibiawere commonly observed at their upper part, whereas inthe fibula they were present on the lower part. Thisknowledge of the nutrient foramina has to be kept in mindduring surgical procedures.
Síndrome de la bolsa de orina púrpura: Presentación de un caso Purple urine bag syndrome: Case report
M. Zanetti,V. Ku,J. Ruíz,E. González
Cuadernos de Medicina Forense , 2012,
Abstract: El síndrome de la bolsa de orina púrpura es una entidad poco frecuente que fue descrita por primera vez en el a o 1978. Son factores relacionados con su aparición la edad avanzada, sexo femenino, cateterización urinaria crónica, constipación crónica, alcalinización de la orina y un alto contenido bacteriano en orina. Se produce cuando el producto derivado del aminoácido triptófano es metabolizado a sulfato de indoxil. Al encontrarse esta sustancia en una orina alcalina, mediante reacciones enzimáticas y de acuerdo a la concentración de oxígeno, cambia a índigo (azul) e indirrubina (rojo); los cuales precipitan en la orina y, junto con los materiales sintéticos del catéter y la bolsa urinaria, dan el color púrpura característico. Se presenta el caso de un varón adolescente de 17 a os de edad, con antecedentes de paraplejia por lesión medular debida a proyectil de arma de fuego, que fallece en el domicilio sin asistencia médica. La paraplejia le obligaba al uso de sonda urinaria de forma permanente y al practicar la autopsia judicial se apreció un llamativo color púrpura en la bolsa colectora de orina. The purple urine bag syndrome is a rare entity first described in 1978. Factors related to its production are elderly female, urinary catheterization, chronic constipation, alkaline urine and high bacterial levels in urine. It occurs when the product of the amino acid tryptophan is metabolized to indoxyl sulfate. This substance due to enzymatic reactions, in presence of an alkaline urine, and according to the oxygen concentration switches to indigo (blue) and indirubin (red), which precipitate in the urine and together with synthetic materials urinary catheter, give the characteristic purple color. We present the case of a 17-year-old male, with antecedents of paraplegia secondary a firearm wound, who died at home without medical care. Due to the paraplegic condition, chronic urinary catheterization was needed. At the judicial autopsy an amazing purple color in the urine bag was observed.
Stokes system with solution
Jaroslav Haslinger,Radek Ku?era,Taoufik Sassi,Václav ?átek
- , 2018, DOI: 10.1177/1081286517716222
Abstract: The paper analyzes the Stokes system with threshold slip boundary conditions of Navier type. Based on the fixed-point formulation we prove the existence of a solution for a class of solution-dependent slip functions g satisfying an appropriate growth condition and its uniqueness provided that g is one-sided Lipschitz continuous. Further we study under which conditions the respective fixed-point mapping is contractive. To discretize the problem we use P1-bubble/P1 elements. Properties of discrete models in dependence on the discretization parameter are analysed and convergence results are established. In the second part of the paper we briefly describe the duality approach used in computations and present results of a model example
Histologic Variability in the Iliac Crest Biopsy of Postmenopausal and Osteoporotic Women
Krpan, D.,Krvavica, A.,Ku?ec, V.,Lozo, P.
- , 2002,
Abstract: Sa?etak Many investigations have been carried out on osteoporosis and showed this disorder in a new light. The reduction in bone structure and dynamics points to the etiology that may be of therapeutic significance. Today we still do not know everything about the histomorphometric characteristics of each metabolic disturbance and bone disease. Bone biopsy and histomorphometry are not available for most patients and that is the reason why a broad classification of these reductions in osteoporosis and osteomalacia are widely accepted in clinical practice. New findings from this complex domain are necessary to design a strategy in the evolution of new therapeutic devices and drugs with the intention to decrease the high disability and mortality rate in the vulnerable population of postmenopausal women
Histolo?ka razli?itost u ko?tanoj biopsiji postmenopauzalnih i osteoporoti?nih ?ena
Krpan, D.,Krvavica, A.,Ku?ec, V.,Lozo, P.
- , 2002,
Abstract: Sa?etak Brojna istra?ivanja provedena posljednjih godina pokazala su osteoporozu u novom svjetlu. Promjene u ko?tanoj strukturi i dinamici upu?uju na etiologiju poreme?aja, ?to je od presudnog zna?enja za lije?enje bolesti. S obzirom na ?injenicu da jo? uvijek malo znamo o histomorfometrijskim zna?ajkama pojedinih metaboli?nih bolesti te da je biopsija kosti i histomorfometrija jo? uvijek te?e dostupna ve?em broju bolesnika, danas se u klini?koj praksi uglavnom rabi klini?ka klasifikacija po kojoj se one dijele u dvije ?iroke kategorije: osteoporozu i osteomalaciju. Nova saznanja iz ovoga podru?ja su od presudne va?nosti za planiranje budu?e strategije razvoja novih terapijskih sredstava i lijekova kako bi se smanjio visok postotak invaliditeta i smrtnosti u osjetljivoj populaciji postmenopauzalnih ?ena

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